AniJS Studio is a chrome extension that will allow you to create, test, and add animations prototypes to any webpage, or web application easily.
AniJS Studio is a chrome extension that will allow you to create, test, and add animations prototypes to any webpage, or web application easily.
You will be able to add animations with a few clicks and without dealing with javascript or css code.
You can see all changes in real time, in a real enviroment while you're working.
You can easily integrate it with your existing code, just copy and paste actions.
To access the AniJS Studio, open a web page or web app in Google Chrome. Either:
The DevTools window will open at the bottom of your Chrome browser.
After that you could be see the AniJS Studio Panel, click to open it.
To add the animations AniJS sintax are used. You can select this values inspecting current webpage or type directly into input boxes.
1- Include the CSS animation styles definition, also you can download this from Animate.css
<!-- Animate.css library -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cdn.jsdelivr.net/animatecss/3.1.0/animate.css">
2- Put the AniJS file on your page or load it from the CDN.
<script src="anijs-min.js"></script>
3- Add the HTML Node below in some place of your page.
<input id="anijsdeclaration" type="hidden" data-anijs="">
For detailed changelog, check Releases.
To Ms. Ana Silvia Tellería, Ms. Marisniulkis Lescaille,Mr. Yolier Galán, Mr. René González, Mr. Julio Cañizares, Mr. Caridy Patino and to all the persons that helped with this project.